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Rhode Island
Murder Mystery Events

Mysteries on the Net

How to Host a Murder Mystery Party:
DOWNLOAD Do-It-Yourself Mystery Kits for Adults and Kids


Your Guide: Inspector Jack Pachuta

Even if you've never hosted a Murder Mystery Party or Mystery Dinner before, my complete do-it-yourself kits will guide you step by step and stress-free through the party.


Featured Murder-Mystery Adventure:


He was a prestidigitator beyond compare. The Amazing Roberto Clappini built a reputation for performing card tricks that could deceive even the most well-trained eye. His latest trick was proclaimed to be one that would take the art of sleight of hand to a new level...

Find out More...

Rhode Island

Murder on Us Dinner Theater

You'll DIE Laughing!

At Murder On Us the action happens all around you, not on a stage. Since the action takes place amongst the tables, all seats are great! Audience members are often caught in the middle as gunshots are fired, switch-blades are snapped open, or characters break into song.

bravo Scenes of the play alternate with meal courses. During dinner breaks, actors mingle with you and entertain on a one-to-one basis. Best of all, if you do the best job solving the murder, you win the mystery prize at the end of the night!

Bravo Bistro
123 Empire Street
Providence, RI

Call: (401) 490-5112


